Walter Bosley returns once again to esoteric pulp with another of his special girls caught in a maelstrom of arcane shenanigans from which she can only hope to escape with the help of a bachelor devotee to arcane science. In this one, detective professor Philip Wingate must help the aspiring Carmilla face the demon ghost that haunts her — before it kills again!
- To purchase “You Will Be Mine” via Lulu Paperback, Click Here: $6.99
- To purchase “You Will Be Mine” via Amazon Kindle, Click Here: $1.50

The Lost Expedition of Sir Richard Francis Burton
By Walter Bosley
Speculations on the missing six months in the life of legendary explorer/author Sir Richard Francis Burton take the reader into the quest for a lost civilization of remote antiquity. Bosley proposes that Burton’s mysteriously undocumented period in South America remains a classified secret and inspired another well known expedition into the Brazilian Amazon which still puzzles people to this day.
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The Esoteric Napoleon
By Walter Bosley
In this fourth installment of his Secret Missions series, the author presents his hypotheses involving the legendary historical figure Napoleon Bonaparte: What was he searching for in Egypt? What happened to him inside the Great Pyramid? What was the secret of Napoleon’s ancestry and why was the European Oligarchy so concerned? What was Napoleon’s association with the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau? These questions and many more are posed in this first volume of Walter Bosley’s unique examination of one of the greatest and most mischaracterized men who ever lived.
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Poisonous Magnetism:
The Paranormal Experiences of John Brown
By John Brown
This fascinating work tells the story of a 19th Century Spiritualist’s lifelong relationship with disembodied entities both patronizing and wrathful. The paranormal experiences of mountain trapper and trail guide John Brown rival those of modern era UFO contactees and remote viewers — and not without a thread of potentially demonic influence. Brown journeyed to San Bernardino Valley in California with a Mormon expedition and there with other like-minded settlers founded the first Spiritualist temple in the state and perhaps the entire country. This 1897 edition presented in classic reprint includes Brown’s childhood necromantic episodes, his psychic journeys to other worlds, time travel to Earth’s mysterious past, and is perhaps a cautionary tale hinting at the manipulative and dark nature of beings not of this realm.